The summer is coming, the kids are noisy, and if that wasn’t enough to make you want to run and hide, we’re also approaching the wrong side of the dreaded season beginning with C (and ending in terror, eggnog and big arguments). Only batteries can save us now!
At Smart Directions, we’re very much aware that in this day and age, only one thing is coming to save you – tech. Ok, it might not be the only thing, but it’s certainly one of the most common ways to keep them quiet and out of your hair whilst you answer the phone or respond to emails (other solutions are of course available).
So – whether you’re a consumer or retailer, now’s the time to consider your battery safety. It’s not cool and it’s not fun, but it is 100% necessary to be aware.
What type of batteries are we talking about?
Lithium batteries. We’re talking about lithium batteries. As long as they are functioning correctly and disposed of safely, they are perfectly safe. Millions of batteries take a trip from A to B every year with absolutely no issues at all.
That being said, thousands of them are stopped every day at airports around the world.
The problem is…
If defective or damaged, there is a high risk that these seemingly harmless batteries will short circuit, spark a fire and even, in some cases, explode. They must be well protected during transit, and this means understanding the risk. Lithium batteries are used in mobile phones, tablets, laptops, e bikes, electric toothbrushes, and scooters (to name a few!), so you can begin to understand the scale of our reliance on them.
Sometimes, the issue occurs with unclear or overly complex shipping guidelines. Other times, it’s just a matter of packing. As the shipper, it is your responsibility to make sure that the package is correctly protected.
The consequences of not following those instructions or guidelines are:
- Your shipment will be stopped or delayed
- You could be prohibited from shipping in the future
- You will be liable for fines
- Your goods could cause a fire or have other impacts on life (people, animals etc.)
Here are 4 tips to make avoid your batteries from being a burden
- Make sure you have your documents ready. You must make sure they are completed on time and filled in correctly. You will be required to produce a test summary, confirming that the goods have been tested against various transport conditions, and have successfully passed. You will also be required to have other documentation completed, leading us onto…
- Understand the regulations, documentation and guidance yourself, or ask for help. At Smart Directions, we have a wealth of knowledge and experience in successful logistics and supply chain management. We also make sure we are up to date with any changes or revisions to local, national or international policies. If you’re not sure, ask! We would be very happy to provide the advice you need to get it right.
- Pack your freight correctly. At this point, it’s important to say that it almost doesn’t matter to what scale you are transporting these goods. Here are some more specific suggestions
- Ensure no batteries can come in contact with other batteries, conductive surfaces, or metal objects.
- Protect batteries, terminals, and switches by using caps and fully-enclosed inner packaging.
- Cushion stand-alone batteries or pad the equipment containing batteries inside the package.
- If necessary, use specialized packaging such as thermal heat protection or vents to ensure safety.
- Be sure to use the right labels for your freight. There are mainly three labels that you may need for your lithium battery shipment. The first one is the Lithium Battery Class 9 Hazard Label for dangerous goods. The second is the Lithium Battery Label that includes a UN identification number and a phone number for additional information about the shipment. You may also need to have the size (power rating) of the batteries on this label. The third is the Cargo Aircraft Only Label. This label must be applied if you ship lithium-ion batteries by air that are not contained or packed with equipment.
How can we help?
As mentioned before, the team here at Smart Directions have all the answers to your questions regarding safe transport of lithium batteries. Make sure you leave plenty of time before your shipping deadline to make sure you understand what is required, and that you implement the guidance correctly. Fill in a contact form or give us a call direct on 01442 507240