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Don’t stop, believing…

overnight shipping

What a TUNE… Of course, the real reason we’re referencing Journey’s popular 1980s hit is because we’re taking midnight trains, planes and automobiles to hit that “overnight shipping” for that “Next Day delivery” deadline for you and your customers.

Only 2/3 of the Smart Directions team know who we’re talking about…

If you’re more 90s (*shudders*), we’ll refer to the Backstreet Boys “I want it that way”.

Ever wondered just how couriers do it? We’re here to lift the lid and let the biggest spidey secret out.

Is it too late to offer a trigger warning?

Oops, sorry. Blame Gary.

So, what is overnight shipping?

Next day, one-day, overnight – they all mean the same thing.

But, what it doesn’t mean is “Same Day Delivery” though. That is an item picked up from source and delivered straight to the recipient. Do not pass go, do not collect £200. You get the idea.


Whilst next day, one-day or overnight shipping is often processed overnight, the main stipulation or guarantee is that you will receive your item the next working day following order placement.

Depending on the carrier, however, there are different meanings, cut-off times, and pricing for shipping and handling. So it’s always well worth reading the small print, especially if the delivery is urgent.

Now, if you miss the courier’s specific deadline, your item will miss the opportunity for next day delivery, so it’s important to be organised, prompt and have all your required documentation in order, if applicable.

Is it always worth paying the extra, even if the delivery is not urgent?

Honestly, we can’t say.

But a few things to bear in mind:

>> Better service + Quicker timescales = repeat sales + better customer experience

>> The longer it takes to process and delivery, the more likely things could go wrong (delays, availability etc.)

>> Instead of lots of one-off deliveries, all “next day” deliveries are consolidated by your courier at a depot, before being redistributed to a local driver. This person is more likely to know the area and it saves on fuel too.

Looking for a reliable solution to your distribution? Our team has a wealth of experience at your disposal for any part of the logistics supply chain. Simply fill in a contact form or call us direct 01442 507240